I’ve always said that if you’re selling on price you’re not selling. Robots can sell based on lowest price, but if you’re a great salesperson, and a world class champion, you figure out a way to sell the best product and service possible without sacrificing profits. Brian Tracy talks about this in his blog […]
Author: Tony Bilby (Page 2 of 2)
As a sales consultant I run into many barriers during the sales process including heavy competition. As Sue Barrett talks about in her article http://ow.ly/GkgL300WjUQ “customers regularly avoid making a decision or stall their decision” which is a big challenge and I do often spend an enormous amount of time and resources stuck in the […]
I cold call and prospect all the time. It’s what I do. It’s what I’ve done since I first started in sales. I’m always looking to build and expand my customer base, so I enjoyed Iannarino’s article on “Stop Avoiding Minor Conflicts” http://thesalesblog.com/2016/05/27/stop-avoiding-minor-conflicts/ because he discusses the behavior and attitude around cold calling. It’s very […]
I can appreciate learning from the masters like Brian Tracy and others because as Tracy says “pioneers are those people face down in the ground with arrows in their back.” In other words, there’s nothing wrong with being creative and taking a creative approach towards the things you do, but in the end, success does […]
Don’t ever let the money own you. Don’t ever let anything own you – very true. Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus get it right in their blog regarding Tyler Durden’s Fight Club ideology: http://www.theminimalists.com/fc/ This film and story is great for many reasons and it’s not just about minimalism, but many things, not to […]